mardi 5 octobre 2010

SPEAKERS CORNER: Why Integrate Microfinance Health Services?

Facilitated by Microcredit Summit Campaign and Freedom from Hunger 
Hosted by USAID Microenterprise Development Office

Share your experiences in a two-day, online Speakers Corner discussion on the benefits, challenges and good practices of integrating microfinance and health protection services. Discussion topics include:

  • How do clients benefit from integrated microfinance and health services?
  • Why should organizations invest in these integrated services?
  • How can microfinance-health initiatives achieve scale?

Recommended Microcredit Summit Campaign Resources:
The MCS health integration project in India was recently evaluated by a team from the UCLA Anderson School of Management Executive MBA Program. Read the evaluation here.

To learn more and participate, click on the invitation above or Log-in and join the group to contribute and follow the discussion via e-mail. Not a microLINKS member?  Register to create an account.  Follow the link in your email confirmation to validate your account, and join the groupto participate in the discussion. What is a Speakers Corner? Speakers Corners are facilitated online discussion forums.  Log in when you can, or participate through email. Learn more about our Speakers Corner activities and review past discussions at

Contact with any questions or comments.  We look forward to your participation!  

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